Saturday, December 15, 2007

I could shop forever!

Ok, before you judge me on that title, hear me out. I am not high maintenance. I don't require a lot of "things". Those things are just that. I can't take them with me when I die and they will eventually get used up, break, or have to be replaced some how. But I guess it just makes you feel good. Sometimes it is fun to buy things for yourself. I haven't done that in a while. So today I went out and bought things that I have been wanting for a time. I felt good. I felt like I was doing things that I wanted to do. I felt like someone was taking care of MY needs.

Maybe that's what shopping is about. I don't think I am addicted. I just think I have been neglected for so long that I went a little crazy and splurged on me!

Ok, this post is extremely boring. Is that bad to be bored by yourself?

Friday, December 14, 2007

US Airways is the WORST!!!!!!

So my sister, my niece, and I were going to fly out to Florida to be at my grandmother's funeral. We went to the airport last night and had checked in our bags when all of a sudden they asked us how old my niece was. I said 2. Then they told us that she had to have her own ticket. Apparently if you are 24 months and a day you have to buy a ticket!! However, I never thought about it that way. When I think of someone being 2, they are 2 not 2 and three months. So needless to say we weren't able to fly out and I missed the funeral. They were going to sell us a ticker for $325 for her. Yeah, no. Then we wanted a refund. They said they could apply for one for us. We ended up only getting half our money back.

Seriously I don't know what customer service is anymore. You certainly don't see it too often. I just could not believe that they were pulling this! My niece flew down to California in October and had no problems. She was two then. So, all I have to say is that I totally HATE US Airways! Ok, that's enough on that.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


My mom's mother died yesterday. Nana is what I called her. I wasn't extremely close to her because I did not grow up with her around. (that's another post) I was sad in her passing, but not for the reasons why most people would think. I was sad because I know this is going to hurt my mom really bad. When my uncle, her brother, committed suicide in 2003 she was really really shaken by the death. I think because of my faith in the afterlife I am comfortable with death. I am not afraid of it. I am not looking forward to it if it's painful, but to me it represents the next stage in life.

I have thought about death a lot this year. My dad's father passed away in October of this year. My step mother's mother is about to pass as well. I think the thing that brings this to light more is that my parents are next. All my life I have grown up with my grandparents and now they are all dead.

There was a time in my life where I wanted to die. I wanted to cease living on this earth. I was extremely depressed. I was stressed out and I was praying for Heavenly Father to help me to have the strength to get through that troubled part in my life. It was a very dark period of my life as you will learn through more posts, but this one is about death. I was a cutter. I thought about slicing my wrists. I took a razor blade and made little cuts across the veins on my wrists to see how deep I could cut without cutting. I thought about driving off a cliff. I thought about ramming my car in the back of the semi in front of me. I thought about taking a lot of pills. I thought about stabbing myself in the leg with a broken beer bottle. I thought about burning myself. Death was something that I thought about on a daily basis.

Why would anyone want to kill themselves? I have asked myself that question about a million times. Everyone has their reasons and they are all varied, but it all comes down to is that some people just don't know who they are. Seriously. It's that easy. But you can't see that when you are depressed. You need help to get out of the hole you dug for yourself. The trick is to avoid the hole in the first place. Would it have helped me to know who I was? Well, I DID know who I was. I was raised knowing that I was a child of God. But like I said, you have to avoid the hole.

I fell in and couldn't get out. I fell in when I was about 11 and I didn't get out until I was 30. That is a LONG time in the hole. But that is also another post. (See why I need this blog? :) ) So back to death. Death is sometimes seen as something final. But it's not! It's the thing that helps you go to the next stage in life. Too often we think about life on this earth and forget that we came from somewhere and are going somewhere. I honestly can not believe that I came from a single cell organism and am destined to recycle myself back into the earth. If that were the case, what the heck am I doing here? What is the purpose of being good or being bad for that matter? Can you honestly look at your life and say, there is nothing after this? If so, WHY ARE YOU READING THIS BLOG? LOL JK

Just think about it people. Think about your motives and your feelings about the things you do on a daily basis. What is your motivation? Honestly?

So, lay your head down on your pillow at night and know that your Heavenly Father loves you. Yes he loves YOU!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Welcome world! The internet is strange. Never before had I even thought about "blogging". Now here I am posting my thoughts some where that can be read by people all over the world. Do I really have something to say that people would want to read? That's the big question.

I started this blog so i can have a place to write down thoughts. Why not just start a journal? Well, for one thing I am way to impatient to actually hand write. I can type almost as fast as I can think. I can't say the same thing for my cursive! Do people actually hand write anything anymore? I also thought that others could benefit from my knowledge. Granted I am only 31 (Yes, that is my REAL age!) but man do I have some stuff to share! So sit back and enjoy the trip. You might be surprised.